The Miramichi Reader: What’s New with Author Lucy E.M. Black

 In Reviews & Press

Many thanks to The Miramichi Reader! 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️

“What’s new with Lucy E.M. Black, Author 🎉

Best Books Awards 2023 marked an exciting year for Fiction Books at TMR. We proudly recognized fabulous fiction selected as Best Books by the excellent team of TMR reviewers. The Brickworks by Lucy E.M. Black is a TMR 2023 Best Books Award Winner.

The Brickworks by Lucy E.M. Black, published by Now Or Never Publishing @nonpublishing. TMR’s Managing Editor Carrie Stanton said: “It is a story so distinctly detailed, researched, and brought to life, that I could not wait to return to reading it just to live within its pages.” Read the full review

Lucy Black is featured in TMR’s NEW: On The Patreon with a segment, Creative Couples: Carrie Stanton interviews author Lucy E.M. Black and her partner, artist Michael J.B. Black. “Lucy and Michael are very talented artists and giving artists, each in their own right. As a couple, they are truly dynamic.” Read the full interview. Sign up on The Miramichi Reader

Fast forward. We catch up with Lucy E.M. Black as her new release is about to hit the shelves, Class Lessons: Stories of Vulnerable Youth, published by Demeter Press @demeterpress. Read TMR’s review of Class Lessons! Pre-orders are available now!

“Class Lessons: Stories of Vulnerable Youth by Lucy E.M. Black is a stunning collection. Fictionalized to protect the identities of its characters, this is a gritty account of vulnerable youth in high school by a real-life career educator and author, Lucy Black.” Read the full review.

Lucy Black talks about Class Lessons in Why I Wrote This Book: Issue #35 — Friends of TMR Fall Releases, with Bill Arnott, Wayne Ng, and Hollay Ghadery.

🎉Congratulations Lucy E.M. Black and welcome Class Lessons 👏”

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